



Artistic overall concept for the GUESS CLUB

FOOD/DESIGN refers to the fact that foods are no longer solely products of agricultural production where the products’ appearances, flavors and scents are the result of long-term traditional cultivation methods. The products of today are increasingly the result of developments in the bio-chemicals industry, which give the products their high esthetic appeal. Their optical and haptic composition may well be understood as design. The formation of the “skin” has bears great importance in the design of foodstuffs. In architectural design matters the design of the “skin” on the interior - the walls, the floors and the ceilings - as well as the exterior - the facade - is critical for the appearance, the atmosphere and the character of the building.

FOOD/DESIGN is a comprehensive topic that amalgamates the biochemical with the architectural design aspects. The definition of the room’s atmospheres - fruity, fish dermis-like, etc. as well as the optical and haptic design for the corresponding surfaces - greasy, leathery, scaly, etc. should evoke associations with the theme in the actual and in a metaphorical sense.

FOOD/DESIGN as theme of the video loop projected onto the facade and the interior walls of a venue shows the elementary procedures during the processing and preparation of foods under the headers: SEPARATION, DIVISION, TRANSFORMATION, MIX, TRANSFER and MANIPULATION.

FOOD/DESIGN as a theme is carried inside the glass-roofed patio in form of a demonstration greenhouse for conventional and transgenic plants. The aim of the installation in the greenhouse is:
- the “reality-staging” of a FOOD/DESIGN laboratory in a semi-public room of a restaurant.
- the demonstrative design of “high-tech food” on a transgenic basis.
- the display of transgenic plants as a stimulus for discussion on the usage of genetic engineering in food production in the sense of a democratization process.

Franz Berzl, Heinz Lutter

Artistic overall concept
Gustav Deutsch, Hanna Schimek