Alpenglühen / 10000 Watt (Alpine Glow / 10.000 Watts)
A light installation in the context of the first SilvrettAtelier.
Bielerhöhe, Vorarlberg, 26.8 - 27.8.1998
In collaboration with Illwerke, Vorarlberg.
Floodlights were installed and red filters attached to them at the foot of the dam wall of the Silvretta reservoir. The red light cast by the flood lights made the dam wall glow in the dark hours of the 26th of August to the 27th of August 1998.
Three photographs document the installation at sunset, at midnight and at sunrise.
On a path marked with stone manikins a mountain is climbed approximately 2km away. Equipped with headlamps photographs are taken at midnight and in the morning. This action is understood as a performance without an audience.
Two time lapse S8 cameras record the light installation for 24 hours.
The Alps as a stage -
The dam wall as an object -
Water power as an actor -
Electricity as means of production -
Light as a medium -
of art.
- illuminate
- brighten
- recognize
- to look at in light
An Installation version was realised in the premises of the Illwerke, Bregenz, from 29.4 - 16.5.1999.