LIGHT I IMAGE I REALITY - The Aegina Academy 2003
A Forum for Arts and Science
Without light there is no vision (Aristotle)
LIGHT I IMAGE - The Aegina Academy is an interdisciplinary public forum; it is the artistic involvement and presentation, the scientific discourse and the interdisciplinary exchange on the following topics: Development, appearance and effect of visual and audio-visual media in the past, present and future.
LIGHT I IMAGE - The Aegina Academy is planned, organized and implemented in cooperation with topically relevant European institutions such as media classes from art academies, institutes for history and aesthetics of the media, independent and non-commercial film distributors, video and new media, centers for contemporary art etc., by a project group under the direction of AFTER IMAGE PRODUCTIONS.
LIGHT I IMAGE - The Aegina Academy always has a theme of the year, which all projects are dedicated to.
LIGHT I IMAGE I REALITY is the theme of the first academy which took place between the 9th of May and the 18th of May, 2003.
On the topic:
Appearance or being, image or reality - the essential question behind the perception and interpretation of our world was and is the starting point for philosophical discourse, for scientific research, the inventions and creations of scientists and artists since the early days of visual and audio-visual media until today and also in the future.
After Image Produktions
Artistic Directors
Gustav Deutsch, Hanna Schimek
Project partners
Athens School of Fine Arts, Master Programme in Digital Arts, Athens
Friedrich Schiller University, Chair of History and Aesthetics of the Media, Jena
Nederlands Filmmuseum, Amsterdam
Center of Artistic and Pedagogical Training "Schedia", Athens
C3 - Center for Culture & Communication, Budapest
Hill School, Athens
Institut St. Josef, HLW Feldkirch
Municipality of Aegina
National and Capodistrian University, Athens
Society for the Study of Human Sciences, Athens
Further information