Markellos Tower, Aegina/Greece, in the context of: LIGHT I IMAGE I ILLUSION - The Aegina Academy 2005, 14.5.2005 - 22.5.2005
Kunsthalle Wien / project space, 8.6.2005 - 3.7.2005
A collection of images on the topic of light, varying between areas of art and science history. Together with self made digital photographs they illuminate the relationship between reality and replica, reality and illusion. Every image is categorized in a digital image databank. With reference to Abi Warburg’s picture atlas MNEMOSYNE these images talk to each other without commentary and therefore open up new semantic levels.
Selected images from the panorama category are projected onto the facade of the Kunsthalle-Project- Space during the night. This was the glass box turns into a light box and illusionist architecture according to the project’s topic.