Ich könnte in der Sprache des Volkes schreiben für die vielen, anstatt in Latein für die wenigen (I could write in the people’s language for the many, instead of in Latin for the few)
Publication as contribution to the Brecht Symposium, Goethe Institute, Athens, 1998, held by the Society for the Study of Human Sciences, published by nissos Publications.
Starting with the sentence: “I could write in the people’s language for the many instead of in Latin for the few” from the play The Life of Galileo” by Bertold Brecht from 1938, we question the meaning of this sentence 60 years after Breccht and approximately 360 years after Galileo Galilei.
We survey the names of all languages in 1998 in countries where the illiteracy rate is more than 50% and list these in a publication. At the symposium we will read the names of these 239 languages from 24 countries around the world.